Leave of Absence: Managing COVID-related Leaves:

Tuesday, February 02, 2021 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM   Export to iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

*This is a virtual event and all zoom information will be sent the day before*

It’s 2021! Are you ready to manage employee leaves of absence in a new legal landscape? With MA Paid Family Medical Leave now effective and COVID cases still on the rise, join the AIM HR Solutions team to ensure your understanding of reasonable accommodations, nuances of FMLA and PFML, how to manage maternity leave, and staying up-to-date on any potential new legislation passed by the Biden administration.

Is there any financial relief available to employees or employers for COVID-related leaves? Do COVID-related leaves qualify for PFML or FMLA? A lot can happen within the first week of a new presidential administration. Get up-to-date information if/when the Biden administration extends FFCRA or passes other leave-related legislation. In the absence of any new legislation, we’ll discuss how to manage ongoing COVID leave issues.



Registration Prices

RegistrationPrice LevelPrice
Leave of Absence: Managing COVID-related LeavesMember$125.0000
Leave of Absence: Managing COVID-related LeavesNon-Member$150.0000

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