Executive Forum September 2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM   Export to iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

The year 2020 has been one for the record books - a global virus pandemic, an economic cataclysm, widespread social upheaval and the prospect of a contentious presidential election.

Join the AIM (Virtual) Executive Forum on September 25 as renowned trend-spotter Bruce Mehlman speaks on The Great Acceleration: How 2020 Is Bringing the Future Faster.

Mehlman believes that 2020 will prove more accelerative than transformational. He sees the events of 2020 hastening broader trends that were already underway, driven by fundamental changes in technology, globalization and culture.

Mehlman will examine these drivers of disruption and how they impact our politics and policies yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Bruce Mehlman is a familiar commentator on political issues to CNBC, Fox News and Hearst. He previously served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy under President George W. Bush. He also worked as a senior leadership aide in the House of Representatives, general counsel to a national political party committee and policy counsel to Cisco Systems.



Registration Prices

RegistrationPrice LevelPrice
Young Professionals (Under 40)Member$25.0000
Executive Forum September 2020Member$40.0000
Young Professionals (Under 40)Non-Member$25.0000
Executive Forum September 2020Non-Member$60.0000

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