OSHA Safety Series- Auburn (2 Day Course)

R.H. White Companies Inc. , Auburn, MA  
Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - Wednesday, May 08, 2019   Export to iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

New to safety? Want help getting started? This training program is intended to provide entry level leadership and management in safety training for general industry. Learn how to build your health and safety management system. Training will emphasize hazard identification, control and prevention. We will provide you with a list of policies, procedures, documents, training topics and systems that you are required to have based on the OSHA General Industry Standards. You will receive resources and materials that include assessments, inspections, templates, forms and OSHA booklets to get you started immediately. You will learn how to use the OSHA website and eTools. We will provide you with ways to save money and access free safety services. You will earn an OSHA 10 Certification in General Industry, if you attend both days (5/8 and 5/9)


R.H. White Companies Inc.   

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Registration Prices

RegistrationPrice LevelPrice
OSHA- Leadership and Management in Safety Series Auburn RegistrationMember$799.0000
OSHA- Leadership and Management in Safety Series Auburn RegistrationNon-Member$959.0000

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